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Gaming in Holland webinar report | Practical solutions for separating player funds

Thank you all for attending yesterday's Gaming in Holland webinar “Practical solutions for separating player funds.”

Much to our regret, we experienced a technical malfunction with our broadcast stream. Fortunately, the recording of the webinar was not affected. The full recording is now available here:

Webinar overview

During the webinar, our panelists addressed the following topics and questions:

1. 2:25: What are the regulatory requirements regarding the separation of player funds from the operator's risk-bearing capital? (Frank Tolboom, Kalff Katz & Franssen)

2. 4:49: What solutions does the Netherlands Gambling Authority suggest for meeting these requirements? (Frank Tolboom, Kalff Katz & Franssen)

3. 11:13: What is the most practical solution for separating player funds? (Karin Beumer, EM Group Netherlands)

4. 15:13: What are the characteristics and legal status of a Third-Party Funds Foundation (Stichting Derdengelden)? (Kees-Jan Avis, EM Group Netherlands)

5. 17:56: How is a Third-Party Funds Foundation managed? (Karin Beumer, EM Group Netherlands)

6. 20:41: How are payments transferred between the Third-Party Funds Foundation and the operator? (Kees-Jan Avis, EM Group Netherlands)

7. 23:37: Are there any remaining regulatory uncertainties regarding the management of player funds? How can any additional or future requirements be addressed on an ongoing basis? (Panel)

8. 27:40: Audience Q&A


If you would like to directly contact one of our speakers, please find their contact details below:

· Frank Tolboom, Partner Kalff Katz & Franssen:

· Kees-Jan Avis, Director EM Group Netherlands:

· Karin Beumer, Business Development Manager EM Group Netherlands:

Future events

Don't forget about the upcoming Online Gaming Management Masterclass - NL Focus, a comprehensive online gaming training for Executives and Managers who will be overseeing their organization's expansion into the newly regulated Dutch online market.

This course, scheduled for June 7-11, is specifically designed to provide participants with a competitive advantage by expanding their knowledge base and add immediately to their organizations’ bottom lines.


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